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Anyone actually try out Alibre Design Xpress 3D software?


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Seeing that it is one of the news items on the homepage of this site, I was reminded of this software and how they pulled a psuedo-scam a few months ago. Alibre Design was bringing out this piece of software, so they setup a "viral marketing" campaign in which they didn't reveal their name but they said that they would give out this software for free if 100,000 people signed up on their website. Basically nothing about the way that they presented the software sounded legit.


ANyways, so it took like 2 months for enough people to sign up, but eventually they did and they finally revealed the company's identity as well as allow peopel to download the software. Well what they failed to mention in any of their website or emails was how limited this software really was.

Was it free?... sure, but you had a huge ad banner running the entire time the software was going, and the limitations on the design were quite severe - something like only 20 parts in an assembly and there were limitations on the types of CAD operations you could do.


So fastforward to today and I see them posting a News item on the homepage of this site. I am curious if they changed their software and made it actually usable or if it is just a mild update with pretty much the same extremely limited peice of software? Curious if anyone actually tried the software.

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Interesting... I just downloaded their software to try it out if it's usefull or not (I don't really need it but it's free anyway). I was a bit upset why they needed my phone number and address. The email is normal for registration etc. but the rest got me a bit suspicious. Sure they now have a non existant phone number and street address:p but I'm not so sure I'll even install the app or not. I'll wait for other opinions...

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