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Vanishing Point software

Devin Johnston

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I do a fare amount of Photo Shop work putting in landscaping after my renderings are done as most of you do. I'm getting tired of having to adjust my planting as far as vanishing points go and I know I've heard of some software that will do this automatically. I don't know if there is a plug-in for Photoshop or if it's a completely separate program but I'm at the point where I want to look into it. Anyone got any suggestions?

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Probably not the most straight forward solution at the moment, but ArchVision's composer will allow you to place and scale content to an images perspective.



For your needs however you would need to convert your existing 2D bitmaps to 2D RPCs with the free RPC creator http://www.archvision.com/RPCCreator.cfm?Category=1


A bit of work, but it will allow you to export all of the layouts into Photoshop as layers so you can do any final image adjustments on it. You can also go back and forth between Composer and Photoshop.


If you can not find any other solutions, might be worth a look.

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Another option, although I haven't used it much myself, in PS CS2 there is a vanishing point tool built in.


I haven't bought that one yet, so I look forward to checking it out.


The composer product does not handle the sort of vanishing point work I do most of the time. I'm doing this today. I have to add figures to two renderings, and I'm going to have to draw lines all over the image to correctly size and place people. In fact, since this is a drag in Photoshop, I'm going to do it on paper and scan it in.


The Composer product assumes a flat ground and that you already know where the horizon is and what height it is above that flat ground. While that is the case sometimes, it isn't more often than not. And that's when I'm drawing lines all over my screen to connect objects of known size, drawing back to VPs to scale figures.

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If your rendering software can produce EPIX files for Piranesi , the landscape elements and people can be easily placed while taking into account perspective. The element size changes as you move it around and keeps the base points anchored to the ground plane. Piranesi can generate the shadows as well.


Having said that, you might assume that is how I do it, but I don't. I place all the elements within my modeling/rendering software, formZ.



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