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Paris World's Fair 1900


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Nice to see you back Lemog! Of course we are still interested in this project and we look forward to your updates!


Sick modelling! How are you going to render all the scene together? Are you going to put together all the buildings or are you going for separate renders and compose it together?


How do you manage to use metric system? If I remember well you are using Maya right? Does Maya have a metric system or you just go by experience?

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  ovzoc said:
Nice to see you back Lemog! Of course we are still interested in this project and we look forward to your updates!


Sick modelling! How are you going to render all the scene together? Are you going to put together all the buildings or are you going for separate renders and compose it together?


How do you manage to use metric system? If I remember well you are using Maya right? Does Maya have a metric system or you just go by experience?

All the old paris will be together, I hope to be largely under the million of polygons... the other part of the fair, when that will be visible, will be faked... with picture, or other render composited, or with simple shapes.

About the scale, usually, I use the Maya unit as 10 cm... but for this lagre project, it's 1 unit as 1 meter... but it's not the most complecated in the project...

...the main problem is to calculate precisely sizes with almost only photos... often taked with camera using different focal... often obliged to compare wih knowed part... it's not always precise, but I don't have any other choice... that take me more time to study finnaly...

...and of course, certainly the experience help me a little... and why not, the chance ;-)

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Are you sure you are from this planet man? Cause I haven't met any other guy in the world doing such work!


Night renders really rock! Texturing is at it's best.. Nothing to crit! Good luck putting together all the buildings (Hope Maya won't crash...:eek:)

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Thanks all for your comments... glad you appreciate my work...


and as Ovzoc said... I hope Maya doesn't crash... but more over me... again at this step, I'm not really sure to go until the end...

but one thing is sure, the actual motivation is the same than I've started... maybe more, because now, that will be crazy to stop after this amount of work !


I hope 2008 will be a good year for this project... "rendez-vous" at the end so...




The second quater of the medieval part is now started... with the "la rue des Vieilles Ecoles) (Old Schools Street)...


It's a street with many houses of medieval knowed people...


The first, when we come since the "pré-aux-clercs" place is the birth house of "Molière"... the house of his parents, the Poquelin's family.

This house was named "Maison au Singes"... (monkey house) because there's at the left corner a pilar with sculpted monkey whom growing at the tree...





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  • 1 month later...

Thanks Marc...


well... that make much time I don't update here... many problems with my website... another time, due to the trafic, it change of adresse...


now, you can find it here : http://lemog.free.fr


Even with these problems... the project continue of course... I'm always on the "Vieux-Paris"...

...but with many other things to do... I'me very late.


I also work actually on a little film about the first part of the expo that will be show in an exposition at the end of 2008 in a historical place in Paris... chhhht... it's secret for the moment ;-)))


Latest step of the "Vieux-Paris" :


The house of Théophraste Renaudot... this guy was the inventor of the first french newspaper... named "la gazette" :






and the tower of the "Collège Fortet"... here, just a little part of this ancient paris medieval school :





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