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how to improve cuality


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Hi everyone.


I´ve been working in architectural visualization for about a year and I believe that the quality of my work was getting better everytime. But now I am fealing that I reached a point where I cant´t improve ir anymore.


I am attaching 2 of my latest images.


Does anyone have tips on how to make higher quality images or do you recomend I take an advanced course or use a specific software or rendering engine?


Thanks a lot



I really appreciate your answer.

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Hi. I think you need to work on both your texturing and lighting.


The interior shot especially. What is your light setup? Are you sure you have vray shadows on, most of the objects seem to be lacking dense shadows. Also the textures seem very plain and flat. Look into getting some high res photo textures and make sure you give wood some glossiness like the tabke which would probably be varnished etc and a bit of bump for the grain.





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