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need advice from london gurus. urgent


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hai friends,,


can any one pls help me to know bout the living expense in London,



i sended an application for a job post at London, and i got reply from them asking bout salary expectation and all... im working in CG for last 4 years, in archvis for last 2 years, u can chek my works here at http://www.mukks.com


by seeing my protfolio, how much do u guys think i can expect from a london based firm archvis firm...




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Not sure about earnings in a salaried position, check the job section here for offers, but I would warn you that London is one of the most expensive cities on the planet, if not the entire universe..!


Housing and transport in particular. Check out estate agents' websites for rental accommodation, house prices etc. in order to work out what you will need to earn.


Dunno if you are single and plan to stay with friends or relatives, or married with kids and looking to settle down, buy a house and find schools etc, but whatever you are, do not underestimate the cost of living here.


In Dubai you probably don't pay tax either, here you do, plus NI,- and income tax will go up to 40% once you earn over £thirty-somethingK.


Not wanting to put you off or anything...but do your homework first before agreeing a salary straight away.





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Just wanted to say


Impressive gallery, especially the interiors.


You should have no problem with the Job. Push them and don't be shy to ask for more than you think you're worth. They will more than likely barter you down anyway, they always do.


Good luck!

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"is it true that one pepsi cost 1 pound ?"


If you go to Farmfoods (superstore), you can get 4 cans of Pepsi for £1 !!!.........well you can in Manchester anyway!


PS. I think you should be asking for at least £35,000 minimum........I would'nt go to London for anything less. You should also check out Manchester > cheap rent, cheap council tax, cheap curries, cheap travel & cheap Pepsi !!!!


All the best.




Ifty :cool:

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I live 30 miles outside London and have to travel in every day, my ticket costs me £3160 a year so basically the means I have to earn about £4200 extra to just cover it.


The tube network is very expensive, I survived on £25000 living on my own 30 miles from London but it wasn't easy. I would say £30000+.


I don't know what job you are going for (architects/visualisation company) but I went for an interview with one of the bigger architects a couple of years ago as a visualiser, they didn't really want to pay more than £23000 which I thought was pretty much impossible to survive on.

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