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Restaurant Interior exterior in the making


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I just started a new job here. Got to do some visuals for a restaurant Using lightwave, if possible would like to get my paws on to fprime but I'll see. here I will post in some initial stage screen grabs an stuff just started a day ago. any pointers are very much welcome. these first images are very very basic right fromthe start. be updating it soon.

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Sorry for he delay. here are some semi final renders. lightwave and one with fprime.


the first one I used Fprime. then secind and third I was in a hurry so I just rendered with F9 I'll rerender with fprime tonight looking forward to that.

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Still at a stage where it's hard to crit but the modelling looks good.


The lighting is too vague to suggest anything at the moment. Is it a night shot?

I like the atmosphere in the first shot but why so small?

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Hi Ian, Thanks.


I am kind of having some dificulty with my lighting and mapping. In the scene you see and the ones I attached here there are only Area lightsJust Below the ceiling and just Above the floor.I would useally put in some point lights to mimic downlights. I am not shure. The small render was done with fprime the realtime renderer. I liked the ambiance myself. It's suppose to be a day shot.


Now for my mapping question, I only mapped the ceiling and the floor, everything else is just colour with surface settings. Should I pop in some maps? for the walls the chairs and everything???? Cos this looks like a cartoon! Because I have a Funny feeling that It's My surfaces that are giving me this cartoony feel.


So here are some of my latest renders mostly with fprime.

1. Banquet area, (back)

2. Banquet Area 2 (back)

3. Outside (right)

4. Lounge (front)

5. Main Entrance (front)


Im not really happy with these renders A pointer or to will be vey much appreciated. thank you.

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I just Thought This grab would explain more about how I set up my scene. As you will be able to see I lit my scene with area lights top an bottom. Got one Direct light Above and an army of point lights at the front of the cafe. Am I doing it right?

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I think these renders have amazing potential Kameel.

You sorely need materials though, especially some shiny steel here and there as you'd expect in a restaurant.


It's quite dim in some of them. You could ramp up the ambient to around 30%.

That lets you cut down your bounces too.

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right I'll get right to it. one question on the steel, I mainly just get the procedural textures which turn out kinda lame, im thinking why not use a map could that work?. ambient intensity?? I never even use that at all always at 0% I'll give it a try. by the by I only set my bounce to 1 should I go higher?


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My chrome is typically 30% diffuse and 85% specularity.

I put an Incidence Angle Gradient in the reflection channel as per the screengrab.

A HDRI in the environment reflection map slot helps too.


edit-unless you have a cracking PC, I'd stick to 1 bounce but for an overnight unhurried render, 2 or even 3 will greatly improve the lighting.

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Well here are the latest I haven't had time for the rest ye but there on the cooker. THanks a lot for tip Ian, I would have never of thought of that.


In these two I remapped everything, almost everything has an image map. just the chairs havent put any on them yet. I up ambient intensity up to thisrty that actually helped alot.


But I dunno is it the colour of my maps or is it just me. well I'll get the rest to you later. Cheers

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That first one looks just about there but the materials look like they have too high a diffuse setting and you could add some more or stronger Area Lights inside to lift the ambient further.

Or use 2 or 3 bounces for an even better effect.

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well here is a nother one. I checked through my materials and I adjusted the diffuse levels turned them down a wee bit accordingly. ambience up at 30% Area lights at 200% It's a bit better. by the by did'nt use fprime on this one sgtandard render. I'll get another from fprime for you to see I'll try get the whole set if possible. we'll see.


anyhow again thank you so much for your guidance. Why is it that I feel it's soo hard to actually achieve rendering like yours Ian that would just be great. :-).


Do you use G2 from worley labs? Is it any good Cos I have it and was thinking of using it. It Seems to be good, SSS and all hmmmm.

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That looks good. The chrome is very blown out for some reason however.

Also, the glass(?) at the back is a little confusing.

Keep at it!


Never tried G2 but I've heard only good things about it. Don't have much need for SSS but the improved and faster blurry reflections, motion blur etc sound useful.

If you have it, why not play around with it?


The LW Forum at CGTalk is a good resource for everything like that.

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it would be really great to see your settings so we could give you a better idea of what to adjust...i personally think that the higher ambient intensity is "fogging" out the glass and causing certain objects to glow based on the textures applied to them.


i would up the bounces, especially if you are using fprime and play around with the lighting quality setting in the fprime master tab to clean up the noise in the shots. Just a couple of suggestions, hope they help.

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Thanks Ian, But I still see it kinda cartoony. I supose I have to go into tweaking the really minute details. This one I did use G2 Actually It was quite good have to explore more using the plugin.

The glass, Is suppose to be the kitchen wall, "A big light Box" where everybody can see the cooks cooking. what you see in there is the hub and bob and kitchen counters. I supose I 'll have to tweak the metal more I love the metal effect thank you so much.


Hello richard thank you for the advise well I am thinking of Zipping up the file and posting it then see what happens. But got to try and get it looking the best I can first I think Im justabout done, So I'll be sending it in soon, It would be great to get feedback from you guys,


well again thank you I better be getting back to work see ya! be posting more later on.



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here is a new one I think I like this one, But I still feel I need to do a lot of study on my materials.


By the way guys cant seem to get my files online They are just too big The whole thing after being compressed got tooo 19.14 MB So I was not allowed to upload.



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