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What is wrong with this image!?


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I have this rendering (The one with the entrance-way), and something is wrong with it. I can't tell if it's the people, the color of the flowers or the sky...or everything. It just seems to be so loud. If I make the flowers all one color will that help?


I would experiment myself, but time is much to cruched for experimenting.


The second picture is a rendering from the same project...Any feedback would be greatly appreciated for both pics.





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The people in front are distracting the view. These photomapped 3D models are not in a quality to put right in front of your camera. They still got faces like they were in a serious fire-accident 5 yrs ago. Place them inside the property some where near the waterfall.


The bricks are a bit too big, that's why the image looks out of scale. Grass is too green (bit fake) there is so much of it that should be handled with care. No offense, I don't want to be negative but with a few adjustment your image will be much better....


I have a perfect lawn texture you could use, pm me for it okay?



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I realise you're using the entrance in the brick wall to frame the image but it's not pretty is it? And It blocks out too much of the scheme. I'd be tempted to elevate the camera over it.


And as has been mentioned previously, the people are too crude to use in foreground or midground.

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I think your image need more bump, shadows, and less saturation.

Try to overbright or "glow" a bit the white tons of your image. :rolleyes:

U can also add a bit of DOF and make some dark corner on the image to add more photographic effect :D

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