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how can i make this in max

chow choppe

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Hi everyone

i posted this for autocad experts also but want to know the opinion of max users also...My question is how can i model a ramp like this

see attached imageramp9wv.jpg


i am also attaching the acad file along with it...

i have no idea how to model this ramp...

one diversion of the ramp goes down and one goes up to the fountain....level difference is from 0 to 4mtrs....ramp starts from 0 and fountain level is 4mtrs.


Cad file link http://www.geocities.com/haneet22/rampdesign.zip



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yup, basically you could put in splines over the length of your major straightaways to mark your slope. then lift your curved spline to match.


think of reality, if its a pain to build, most of the time its a pain to model. Lucky for us sometimes its easy to model stuff and hard to build, just doesn't always go both ways.... good luck and remember to thank the designers :D

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that means it has to be done that way

actually i am not that very good with modelling in mAX so i thought that maybe i am unaware of an easy method to do this.


thanks man


Andrew: sorry but i cudn't understand what were u trying to tell me with the help of that link


Thanks anyway


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