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Residential development All c & c welcome.


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Hi folks.


All crits welcome.


This is my most recent draft render taken from a residential development my company is working on. I’m not happy with the light, I feel the image looks to cartoony, any suggestion as to how I might achieve that extra realism element that I feel I’m missing would be hugely appreciated.


I’m using a light dome and single spot ,hard shadows for the sun.


Cinema 4d r9 .


Many thanks



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hi there, thanks for the suggestions , i always come up against the problem of either the Sean is to flat as you point out or areas are on the point of being bleached out and are far to bright.


if i increase all the setting as you suggest i end up with a image that is far to bright and the contrasts are still poor.


eeee! this light business is tricky.


when you suggest increasing the Gi do you mean the radiocity strength, i find my self endlessly fiddling with these settings and haven’t as yet fathomed at really good setup for realistic day light.


would you recommend the light dome / spot as a good way to go about achieving this ??

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Tweaking the view a bit might help too--compositionally it's a little "flat". Rotating around might make you shadows more dramatic.


Also, so much of the image is taken up with the boring street. If you are going to show so much of it, detail it correctly and add some relief/variation.


Harsh, that's the word I'm looking for--add some more greenery and tone back the hard prison looking stuff like the fence.


The blurry house furthest back doesn't look right for correct depth of field...



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Hi people ,


Here is my most up to date image, again any C & C welcome, iv run out of time on this job now. But any advice as to how I might improve my future work is greatly appreciated.


With this render I used colour correction for the first time and tried to increase the contrasts and tweak the composition make the shadows more dramatic.


Think its an improvement on the last post but I still feel it appears more cartoon that realism.


Iv toyed with lighting rigs and Gi domes and all sorts of light set ups. This image is done using a light dome and distant light.


As I say any tips and comments are greatly appreciated ..






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