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ur comments plz

ahmed mansy

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first of all your model is great and I quite like the way you have lit the scene.


Some of the models seem over saturated though, the cars and trees especially. The light poles below seem too grey and indistinct, might want to adjust the materials.


The box modelled buildings that adjoin are too low res and detract from the scene, I would take them out all together or alternatively get a hi res photo of the scene and use it as your environment.

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Hello Ahmed,


I can agree with the comment Mahorela made about colour saturation. The building it self is well designed and I dont see anything wrong with it. Although the style is new to me, I can relate to the building. For me as urban designer I want to know more about the context the building is in. Those horrible buildings on the sides seem to be out of scale. I would work on that and see if you can align them better in some way.


Good luck,


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