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final render weirdness

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I have been working with fr on a project and i think i am beginning to like it. It does have it's quirks and crashes every now and then, but i am beginning to 'feel' them coming up. What i am seeing at the moment is these weird black spots where it should be white as you can see in this picture.

No big problem as i can just shop it out, but does anyone know what's causing this?

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it's just a big polygon with a floortile texture.

Can't show the whole picture, sorry.


I also checked my vectorworks model, to see if there may be double poly's but there are none, the geomerty is oke.

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it's just a big polygon with a floortile texture.


ah. no probs. thought i'd ask as sometimes just using the floor object instead of a mesh gives strange render artifacts. not that then. does the same happen in the AR or just FR2?

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Can't say for sure but it looks like a geometry problem - its too regular to be GI artifacts.

It sure look like it, but i checked the model and i cant find anything wrong with it.

I did a closeup shot and now the problem moved to the right, you can see it on the horizontal windowframe, it's all black now.

Could it have something to do with my anti aliasing settings, i changed the standard filter width and height from 1,5 to 0,8 to get the output sharper.

I'll give it a go at 1.

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Just a long shot - try subdividing the window frames by a factor of, say, 2?


No FR here, but v. rarely I get odd render artifacts in C4D, esp. from imported VW objects. Subdividing seems to cure it.



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Just a long shot - try subdividing the window frames by a factor of, say, 2?


I'll give it a try tonight sounds like it could work. i remember from my old strata days that very long and narrow poly's could go a bit odd.


right now i have to get them to the architect to have then commented.

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