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Pro Booleans???


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I've seen the tutorial videos that they have, I've got the extension, but I've never tried it. It looks very powerful and I can see there are major benifits there, but I do most of my modeling in AutoCAD. But over time I am finding myself doing more and more modeling in max, so I'm sure I'll be using pro booleans soon.

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I had been waiting for ADSK to update it's booleans for a LOOOOOONG time, so this was indeed very welcome. It works very well, albeit not completely fool-proof (I should know). In max things like adding reveal joints used to be a real headache and involved several steps which I can now avoid by simply using pro-booleans and cutting them in. Is it worth the subscription? That's hard to say. But, if you plan on staying current with the latest release of max anyway, then it makes sense to get it.

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  beestee said:
I am curious as to why the extension has not been made available for VIZ subscribers. I have been told that the extension uses identical code for MAX and VIZ, frustrating because we use booleans fairly often.


I could be wrong since I use max and not VIZ, but I think VIZ 2007 has the pro boolean stuff built in.

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We are VIZ subscribers, and still no pro booleans even in VIZ 2007! Heck, we don't even have the options for gamma to affect color picker or material editor. Maybe it is time to upgrade our subscription just to bypass the neglect :rolleyes:

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Probooleans smacks of nPower "Powerbooleans"


I had Powerbooleans for max 5/6/7 and when i got onto 8 with the subscription etc I got Pro Booleans.


i have been using it alot and its great - multiple picks and with little to no chance of knackering your mesh up when you use it.


Just remember to collapse your boolean object back to enditable mesh when your done because if you like me forget and send the model onto your buddy/pal/colleage/significant other to get lighting and rendering done elsewhere or heaven forbit in a render farm that doenst have the plugin all sorts of nasty things happen and the booleaned geometry disappears....


Not so much of a problem on small stuff but if its the elevation of a building you used it on and that disappears in an animation you may have a grumpy client.... and a large render farm bill for a wasted product...

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I've been useing the pro-bools for a month or so now - I'm lovin em. Question for you other users though, Have you noticed that the pro booleans don't like to work on imported geometry, or when linking an editable mesh to an editable poly or bisversa? Any tricks around the imported geometry?

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