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Secret Maxwell Render Demo 1.01 ... doh?!


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Ok, I got it to work. The 3d viewport is still slow but I have not had any crashes yet. It has the new features that the reseller posted in the maxwell forum so we could say that because of that it is better than V1. I will test it out tonight and I will post my findings.

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  CHE said:
Hi AJLynn, It says it is a PowerPC application.


What I meant to say was, it's got no chance of not sucking. I've found that a lot of PPC apps won't run at all under Rosetta, though I can't figure out what does it - a lot of small, free programs off the Internet crash, while Microsoft Office and Photoshop work fine. But even the ones that work are slow - think VirtualPC in reverse.

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I'm so past the point of caring about anything that Next Limit says or does. Maxwell is worthless for my work and that's all that matters to me. I might put up with them all being a bunch of jack-leg liars if the product was good. I can't believe I even wasted time posting about them.

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  Fran said:
...I might put up with them all being a bunch of jack-leg liars if the product was good...


Hmmm, yep. Many supported the programmers and blamed management in the past. Nowadays, v1 causes one to wonder about the programmers, too.


As far as giving NL the benefit of the doubt, you were generous. Recently, your posts here and there have flipped to the sour side and the contrast is remarkable.

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Does anyone know anything about v1 sales? Are there any v1 sales? If there aren't decent sales, don't be looking for any v2, 'cause it won't be happening. NL knows its going to be a hard sell to get more money out of their pre-order customers for features that those customers will insist they already paid for. And new customers may not want to spent $1000 on a proven disappointment. At least most of us bought on hope. What's to drive sales now?

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I don't think V1 is completely bad; it's just got a very steep learning curve that wasn't there before and a clunky interface that makes it difficult to use. If we make it to V2 this might be fixed but that's a big if. Although I don't fully understand the material editor I am beginning to be able to create good basic materials but it's a question of trial and error and time which in a production environment is hard to come by. Don’t get me wrong I’m not defending it I’m just saying it’s not totally useless.

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  Fran said:
The engine is bad. That's my opinion as a professional.


Agree on that, ... I guess they've never had imagined that the connection

between the RSx engines to BSDF is so complicated. I will never blame the

coder for that, ... he has to do what the marketing guy, you know who

it is ^^ says. There is a lot of potential ... but it needs a freakin' lot

more time to get this working.


It is pretty interesting, since I "play" with the Indigo Render and talk to

Nick (Indigo Dev) now and then, I get a better understanding of the

backend of MLT renders ... Remember that Maxwell is in dev for ~4

years now. I was asking Nick Chapman about the time that he

spend on Indigo until now ... he said ~2 years - in his spare time.


So you can tell that the Maxwell developers are having serious

problems with the new code stuff and I guess RS2 will not be

there this year ... they even intoduced this new pattern (biased?)

crap in V1 that is d@mn annoying... :/


And honestly, ... all this MLT stuff is, at least for me, just to experiment

and have fun with and to learn all this amazing new things, but not yet

for production. Maxwell was fun at the beginning ... now it is boring and

disapointing --> for me. In my spare time I have fun with Indigo even

without the BSDF material system. :p:D;)



take care


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Every time I say there is something wrong with the engine on the Maxwell forum Mike and Tom jump on me and tell me that it's the exact same engine and nothing is wrong, it's just a result of people not knowing the material system. Your probably right Fran, I shouldn’t believe a word of what they say but I'm still holding out hope that what ever is wrong will be fixed.

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Of course it's the same engine ... thats the problem. *LOL*

Because it was not created to work with the new material

system it has loads of problems. But for me the "engine" is

the whole thing, ... not just parts of it. It's like to try to

put a Porsche engine into a "VW Käfer" --> it fit's in there,

no problem, ... but if you don't stabilize the chassis it will

fall apart ... I mean it! ;)



take care


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  leoA4D said:
Hmmm, yep. Many supported the programmers and blamed management in the past. Nowadays, v1 causes one to wonder about the programmers, too.


You probably shouldn't underestimate the effects of NL's miserable management on the programmers. Good team, awful coach, I suspect. There probably aren't too many opportunities in Spain for people with the expertise these programmers have, and they're likely biding their time, collecting paychecks, and doing the bare minimum to get by.


And, as much as I respect the idea of judging NL based solely upon their product, I'd argue (and have argued) that given the lack of character of their management, the quality of V1 as a product was entirely knowable for quite some time prior to it's release. A company just can't suck this bad without it affecting everything they do!

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It's sort of funny, isn't it. Before they insisted that RC/v1 was completely different from beta. Now that people have noticed it looks like a*s in comparison, they insist it's the same, except for the materials.


At any rate, you can't say "except for the materials" with an engine like this, because materials are *everything*.

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I've become disenchanted with C4D's render engine. But when I say I love just about everything but the output engine, it still leaves a lot that C4D does well. With Maxwell, there isn't anything else, its all engine. So having an underperforming engine means a total failure. With Cinema I can always use an external engine like...Maxwell (dang! no, next..) or FinalRender St2...(buggy, unstable...next) or... Dang! There is no next!. I hope the vRay4Cinema bridge works.


And I downloaded the Max 30 day trial. Me, Satan--together at last.

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  Adehus said:
You probably shouldn't underestimate the effects of NL's miserable management on the programmers. Good team, awful coach, I suspect. There probably aren't too many opportunities in Spain for people with the expertise these programmers have, and they're likely biding their time, collecting paychecks, and doing the bare minimum to get by.

And, as much as I respect the idea of judging NL based solely upon their product, I'd argue (and have argued) that given the lack of character of their management, the quality of V1 as a product was entirely knowable for quite some time prior to it's release. A company just can't suck this bad without it affecting everything they do!


I certainly agree. This part, "There probably aren't too many opportunities in Spain for people with the expertise these programmers have...", points at my underlying question, are the programmers willing participants, indifferent and rolling over, with gun to their heads or what staying with a house (company) of ill repute? The programmers must know about the criticism each version has received and yet, v1, the "Full Release Version", is nothing more than a "something" – a lot less than what it should be. With a track record of many problem versions on the streets, at some point it is natural to start questioning how the programmers fit into this.

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