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Introduction and Thank You

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As a long-time lurker here, I finally decided to come out from behind the plant in the corner. I don't do this (or anything, really) professionally. I just love rooms. Old rooms, new rooms, clean ones, messy ones, and just about any style... except gingerbread Victorian, maybe. Oh, and I'm addicted to Cinema4D. If I'm home, I'm either in Cinema or my brain shut down.


I really want to thank the people here for all the information in your archives. I've learned more about lighting and render settings here than anywhere else. I haven't broken that barrier of CG-look versus photographic, but it's getting closer. And I may show up whining about just that sooner or later. ;)

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I still haven't come up with one that has a chance off looking good enough for this place. ;) But, if you go to




You can see everything I've done in Cinema, pretty much in chronological order, that was worth a final render. Tons more sit unfinished, going nowhere with icky shaders. Doesn't seem like much considering the time spent.


There is a project in WIP right now, and as soon as there is some furniture, maybe I'll get really, really brave. Maybe. heh.

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Hi Lee, I think you are being overly modest!


The images 'Morocco' and 'Japan' on your website are particularly good.


If you continue in that direction you will be doing very well.





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