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free easyNat plug in for adt2007 problems


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Any advice on getting easyNAT to do as its told?

I just cant seem to position plants when added in vizRender other than by x,y where as in adt i can just drag n drop, also if I add plants in adt then link to vizrender theyre not there!! The only time they where there the easynat association manager did sweet f.a.

Also and I dont know if this is connected when linking to VR I keep getting the following message ' Link to vizRender: Failed to bind C:\ drawing path etc etc .drf: The server threw an exeption.

Think Im just having a bad day!

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Hello Alan,


Several system dlls may be missing on your machine with VizRender. They were usually provided by Autodesk with 3ds Max or ADT but apparently Autodesk stopped to deliver them without notice with ADT 2007. Bionatics has posted a fix on their website to solve the issue.


Please find those 3 dlls in the attached zip file. Extract its contents to the program folder of ADT 2007, by default 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2007'. I hope it will help.





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