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Threshold Setting??

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I READ from a post that for good interior settings threshold level should be 3% and not the default 10%..what's the purpose of this setting when it comes to AA in rendering a final image..does the change in percentage make a big difference in time or quality..can someone please clarify:confused:

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sorry for my english - but i'll try to explain:

c4d decides according to this setting whether to aa a pixel or not. if you set it at 10% and cinema sees that the pixel in question is surrounded by pixels which are less different (in colour) than this 10%, it thinks they are similar enough so no aa is needed. therefor areas of the same colour can be cleared faster. so this is a kind of a shortcut that trades in time for quality as the "deciding algorithm" can't match perfectly the needs of your pic and might decide to skip an area that is very prominent to the human eye.


and yes - it makes quite a difference timewise.

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thanks man i that makes it clear now..the post i read siad it was 3% and that was the setting of the fluff dvds for interior lighting....so i take it at 3% u get a better quality but increase in time..

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aye. adjusting the threashold can speed up render times massively and not visually effect AA quality in certain circumstances. i'm always playing with the AA threashold and AA min/max samps for every render i do.

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thanks for that strat. i guess it's a matter of tweaking, rendering and learning. I don't think i have the keen eye to notice minor differences when playing with the settings like some of u all very experience guys here..but i guess it comes with time and patience..;)

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