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Viz 4 Vray Demo Problems


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I am having problem with the Demo Version of Vray for Viz 4. I have downloaded the files from the VM Store and after placing the plugin files in there appropriate locations it doesn't want to work. When I open Viz upon opening an error message pops up saying that the vray plugin can't be found. I have follow all of the instalation instructions and the only thing i can find is I might be missing a file that was not included. If anyone knows how I might resolve this I would appretiate it greatly. I am wanting to play with Vray to determine if I the comany should purchase the renderer.



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No offense, but perhaps your company should upgrade to viz 2007 and then V-Ray. Once you ugrade to viz 2007 you can use mental ray if you can't afford 2007 and V-Ray. You can do exteriors with mental ray just as easy as vray. I find vray easier to use than mental ray for interiors.

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Whoa there fellas...!


Why not just get the demo to work properly..? All of a sudden we are on Mental Ray.. from Viz and Vray.!!


Personally, I think Vray is absolutely fantastic, and can see no reason to switch to MR unless that is what you are used to using. Check out the guys on this forum, and you will see a lot more Vray then MR..


Certainly upgrade to the latest version of Viz, then look at Vray again. If, as you say you have added in all the correct Vray dll's etc.. then maybe there is a problem else where. The vray plugin is fairly simple to install though. Check out Chaosgroup for mor explicit info..



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Whoa there yourself. Who wants to work with such an old version of viz? Sorry for changing the topic Andy, but I don't believe I was giving advice to you. So I'm not sure why it seems that you're so defensive. I certainly wasn't trying to imply that vray doesn't work with R4. I also think it's safe to say that mental ray will produce the same quality renders as vray, assuming you know how to use it. My point being, that mental ray is very easy to learn for exteriors and tricky for interiors. If you think the statement about mental ray and exteriors is off the mark, well I don't know what to tell you.

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Hang on a minute Aaron.. no one is saying you are "off the mark" or anything like that.:confused:


Firstly..Yes you were correct with your statement about Viz 4.. Upgrade to the latest version with out a doubt.


Secondly, I was not being defensive in anyway at all.. I was merely offering my opinion, which is, before throwing another program into the pot, to stick with Vray with a newer version of Viz:


"Certainly upgrade to the latest version of Viz, then look at Vray again."


Thirdly I dont think any statement you made is off the mark at all, but as you said yourself, MR can be tricky to learn for interiors. Vray is, IMHO, easier all round to get to grips with..


Last of all:


Sorry for changing the topic Andy, but I don't believe I was giving advice to you


Now that I do find sligthly annoying. These forums are basically a place for people to offer their opinions and advice, share experiences etc. As long as you stay on topic and are not offensive in any way, we can all chip in to help each other, which, if I am not mistaken, is all I was doing.


Maybe I caught you on a bad day.. or maybe I didnt include one of these..:D .. so here he is..





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  alfienoakes said:
Whoa there fellas...!


Why not just get the demo to work properly..? All of a sudden we are on Mental Ray.. from Viz and Vray.!!


I guess you have a strong way of offering your opinion. :confused: Sorry if I misunderstood the help tone of your exclamation marks, all three of them :o


I only said that I wasn't giving advice to you because you seemed to take offense with what I said. True, defensive was the wrong word.


If superdave and I were having a conversation at some coffee shop and he concluded by saying what he said - "you helped - thanks again", and then along comes Andy and says "All of a sudden .... !!". That would be a little strange, now wouldn't it? It might just fall into the realm of anti-social behavior. Try to look at it that way. I don't disagree with your comments about this being a forum. Following your exclamations, you had very helpful advice. I don't need a lecture on how forum works. I'm a moderator at vizdepot.com so I know my way around, a little.


Since I don't really know you and your forum mannerisms I think you can cut me a little slack due to the fact that it's impossible to read tone in messages, and I'll cut you slack as well. Because, I'm certainly not calling you anti-social.

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Point taken Aaron.. I do sometimes write how I think.. which isnt always a good thing.:D


I try and be light hearted about things generally, but yes, that doesnt always come across.. thats why the smileys etc are a usefull tool (unless I forget them..) My exclamaition marks will be used with more consideration next time. ;)


And my apologies if my original post got us off on the wrong foot....



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