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Tuall 2006 - new real time 3D architectural visualization


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I would like to present new solution for high quality real time architectural visualizations - Tuall 2006. It's FREE for all.




Some features:

- high quality, fast and user friendly.

- can explore interiors and exteriors

- NO NEED TO LEARN NEW EDITOR, because Tuall Editor 2006 fully supports Autodesk 3DS Max. You just create scene, import it into editor, and can explore it.

- materials supports such features as lightmaps, bumps, highlights, dynamic reflections, refraction, normals mapping and virtual displacement.

- much more...


You can download and read about Tuall 2006 at http://www.artefacttech.com. In few days there will be available Tuall Editor 2006 Demo to download for graphics artist working with Autodesk 3DS Max.

We look forward to your opinions.

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czesc tomek ;-)


how is the output? is there an own player to watch the scenes or does tuall produce executables?


it seems very interesting, but as for now my notebook doesn't support pixel-shader so i cannot test it out. but i would like to see more about it in future...


narazie, olaf

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Tuall 2006 is the viewer, Tuall Editor 2006 is the editor and it prodecues *.2all file (with scenes), which can be viewed and exoplored in Tuall 2006.


Unfortunately, without pixel shadder it won't be possible to run Tuall. We set on high quality graphics, where use of pixel shadder is necessary. We wanted to achive two things: to make house interirors and exteriors look as much real as they can look, and to make graphics artists work as easy it's possible. We thought: if artists can create materials so good, that the 3DS Max renderings looks like real pictures, why not make it possible to do that in real time?


Tuall Editor 2006 is ready, and we are translating the manual now. You don't need to learn how to use it. Just make a scene in max, make an observer object (just a box with observer name), export scene, import it with Tuall Editor 2006 and start to explore it, change properties of objects and materials. All in real time.

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kur*a, ale ekstra!


i know that pixel-shaders are necessary for convincing real-time presentations and you really made me curious about tuall. i am planing the purchase of a new computer sooner or later, but unfortunately in this moment my finances don't allow it. i am looking forward to testing tuall out and i hope you will also recieve great feedback from the users.


how many people are involved in the realisation of tuall? are you a programmer or graphic artist?

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