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bezier contour lines


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I am working on a meshe that created with mesh smooth modifier.i want to create some contour lines (horizental 2d sections) from it. by using section command spline created has a larg number of vertices that not easy to work later.how can make these contour lines with bezier splines that has a few vertices ? on other hand how can i optimize the high poly-segments curves using the minimum nuber of vetices and save the shape?

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thanks woody, but my problems is that, in the object i'm working on, edges are not in a same directions . let me to explain some things about project, i have a smooth mesh like airplane body but in vertical direction , this is skin of building that i want to create floor plans in each elevation, so i cut the body with a plane at specific level to make the boundry of floor plan. the result is ver complicated because it has numerous vertices! please help me how can optimize the contour lines?

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ok, i had tried to weld vertices by various treshold size but the main shape changed .because some importonat points specialy in quadrants missed.also the spline separated into segments,...anyway reduction the number of vertices without any adjustments is not a good solution, i tried the optimize spline yesterday , it's not bad , but it has not enoght precision.

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Lets say u got the spline using the section command. now the only problem u r facing is "How to reduce the number of vertices."


1. First right click the spline and choose properties. check Vertex Ticks.

2. now apply the Normalize spline modifier to the spline.

3. play with the Seg Lenth paramter to get the right settings u want.


than u may need to adjust the spline a bit, specially on corners. it won't take much time to adjust it.


hope it helps :)

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thank you Vishesh Bharara

I did'nt know that normalize spl modifier is exist! thanks , but this modifier just reduce numer of vertices base on a distance ,so there is no control on it's positions. and final spline has smooth vertices it's probably deform the shape.

i prefer spline optimizer yet, because you have more control and vertices are bezier. try it ,it's free to download.

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