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VRay vs Scanline - example rendering

Brian Smith

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Just thought this might be an interesting post for some. In an attempt to drum up business from an old client, I rerendered an old project that was originally done with scanline. The new image was done in vray. The only changes made were vegeation, the paver material, cars and people. Nothing on the building (to include materials) changed at all.

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Guest nazcaLine

what color mapping did you use? can you post the settings pls?

i always have trouble with exteriors in vray, thay don't get as good as yours

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You need to be careful with this. To me this says 'hey look, even when I use Vray my work is pretty much the same as it was'...because it is.


If you improved things like your glass, people, composition etc, and even still used Scanline, the difference would be much greater and impress your client with something they would notice.

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they both look completely scanlined and completely devoid of any kind of gi or bounced lighting.


it's you making them do this and not vray.


they have great potential to look superb (they dont look too shabby now) but as Iain suggests, up-date some materials and objects to make them more 'life-like'. it looks uber clean and clinical. very cg'ish.


and learn how to use vray's lighting facilities.


correct me if i'm wrong, but you seem to be blaming vray for not improving the image. this is not the case. vray will improve the image if used correctly, but your basic model must evolve with it.

i know it sounds a tad harsh, but lighting wise you must nail it, else all looks cg'ish and fake. learning to perfect your own lighting rig as well as vray's is important.

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Guys...I don't know why you think I'm blaming VRay for anything. I think the VRay lighting looks remarkably better than the scanline. I did not have a whole lot of time to play around with this scene. For example, I did not want reflections or transparency on the glass that would require building things inside the building or behind the camera's view. I simply thought the difference between Vray and scanline, when not making any changes to materials, in this particular scene were worth mentioning.

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  Brian Smith said:
I simply thought the difference between Vray and scanline, when not making any changes to materials, in this particular scene were worth mentioning.


that is correct. that's also correct with any advanced renderer. just because someone might use vray, they'll still get almost identicle results as the scan liner if they dont optomise it specifically for vray and use vray's advanced lighting system. in essence then it just acts as another scanliner, only faster.

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I know exactly what Brian is trying to say, however I don't think his example is illustrating it, I myself have been amazed working on a scene, and simply turning GI on, and how realistic the results suddenly were...


I also think Brian, if you want to impress your old client, you should go all the way with this and really knock his socks off...

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they dont look the same?!! do they???! i mean im not a veteran like you guys but one look with is like boom, seen the difference. first image was like a raytrace by accurender without radiosity, i mean i do that. but the second one was completely changed. is it my eyes or am i right. or rather am i right or am i right!


Sure wanna learn how to use Vray someday.. hu hu hu



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It was modeled...just created a spline with the profile of tiles and extruded it. An important point is to delete the underside faces which are seen but add to the file size and rendering time. This roof took about an hour and required meticulous placement...but it's definitely worth the time.

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Er.. do you mean to say that the changed sky, the changed ground/terrain do not contribute at all? I am not sure, but does it not affect the renders? Also, I am quite certain that the lights have been changed.. ah, nitpicking :D... yes. VRay is great, I was just playing the Diablo's advocate...

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