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Problems with the infamous grass!!!


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I am trying to use the hair & fur modifier to create grass. I have am area approx. 50' x 100' that I need to fill with grass. Whenever I create a plane this big and apply the modifier with the standard tall grass material, the grass ends up coming out huge. I try to change the scale and the cut length, but it doesn't look right at all. Anyone know what I am doing wrong.



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hmmm... i'm afaid i havent had much experience of the Hair and Fur modifier...


But you could try using a displacement map instead...


if you use Vray you can place a Vray displacement modifier on the object for pretty convincing results

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  • 1 year later...

We have a lot of issues when rendering with displacemnts,as our renders crash, without backups. Usually we are using the material editor to create the dispalcements. What could be the problem?

Also when should we use VrayDisplacementMod and what should the Render settings for Vray Displacement be?

I hope someone can help

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I think Jtroupe wanted an answer to the question he asked about creating grass from hair and fur modifier not displacement. I too have had this problem and would love to know if anyone has an answer. I can create great grass in a clean file but when I have a file with different units it all gets to big and somtimes doesn't work at all. I have tried to scale it to 2 but can't get it right at all.

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I think it`s a bug.


Have limited experience with hair & fur, but read this in a thread on cgtalk:


"the fur problem had in the earlier versions not been solved in 2008.


" You can't (scanline buffer) reder fur when there's a camera on top of the fur surface ex. if the camera is on top of a grass field then you'll get wired tpes of huge grass on the alpha bacckground "

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I too have experienced the same problem. It does actually say in the documentation that the larger the plane fur is applied to, the larger the fur will be. Im yet to get good settings while tring to shrink it. The scale slider sure doesnt work in a logical sense. Doesnt seem to scale tip and base size...

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