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faking radiosity


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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by STRAT:

sorry to be a downer, but to me that looks a hopeless fake GI settup. can you describe your method and post up a screenie of the lighting rig?

Hopeless!!!?????!?!?... Looks pretty good to me!


I would be interested in seeing a screenshot of the lighting rig.



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Originally posted by Chris_Mac:

Originally posted by STRAT:

sorry to be a downer, but to me that looks a hopeless fake GI settup. can you describe your method and post up a screenie of the lighting rig?

Hopeless!!!?????!?!?... Looks pretty good to me!


I would be interested in seeing a screenshot of the lighting rig.


Cheers I'd have to agree with strat. The image looks good though if you only consider the lights passing through the drapes of the left window, but once you take into account the lights entering the front and right window, the whole solution looks fake..without the 'iosity' :)


But don't get me wrong. Here's my 2 cents on that:


-For the right and front windows, use a spotlight with atenuations and decay enabled.


-For the over all interiors, put a little bit more illumination using a combination of direct and omni lights to simulate bounced lights effects.


Well, thats just my 2 cents. :)

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