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Vray Lighting Tutorial

Ky Lane

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Yep, another one of those bloody threads.


Im modelling a level of an office building at the moment, and having some trouble finding good resources on lighting it.


Its going to basically be an open plan office floor with fluroescent lighting throughout, so minimal shadow, alot of soft white light.


All the tutes I can find for internal lighting are all these ambient crappy sofa scenes with a window casting the usual tacky crosshair shadow across a timber floor.


Anyone got any decent resources for lighting an office floor fluroescently?


Thanks heaps.

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hey ky.


what id normally do is put a large vray light just under the celing plane covering the whoel floor (warmish tint?), a direct light coming from one side (if sun can get in - warmer tint) and enviroment outside(cool tint) light.


Put a few ies lights/standard spots to highlight anything of note ie. wall washes, reception.


For the ceiling lights id use a self illuminated or vray light material so you can get strong reflections on anything glossy/reflective. You may need to make these No GI to prevent any blotchy stuff. if you are doing stills you could render out a pass of these lights using matte and apply a very slight glow in PS.


Good luck, hopr my rambloe is of some help. post up what you got?

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