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UV mapping


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Heloo everybody kinda quite lately....... well I would just like to ask about UV mapping. whether u guys use this technique in your work. I am asking cos I just managed to get my head around the idea (duh!) and I found that I could get great results plus a lot more control over details. So I was wondering if anybody else uses UV mapping in Arch visualisation? I have attached a render of a clock I done lately nothing to do with arch vis but just a asmall test with UV mapping.


Looking forward to hearing from u guys.



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Yeah I use it but very rarely in standard arch viz work. Sometimes furniture modelling requires it but even complicated stuff can often be done with standard mapping.

Nice clock face you got there. I was working on one recently. Texturing all done with planar and cubic mapping (yet another unfinished project!).

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Thanks for your input guys.


I've been thinking , and what I notice is that for the resolution being at 1000 x 1000 that makes the mapping look good. compared to what I used to do was just take any size of image and slap it on my object. whick would result in a blurry looking final render. I remember a post some time ago where we discussed about mapping resolution. It's just I have really been looking in to my texturing and mapping skills lately, and I have been noticing stuff where I went wrong or my render just did not hit the spot. Sometimes I use Screen grabs for texturing which can also give quite a good render, what do you thing about that method?


cheers... :)

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