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Vertex equilizer script.


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Chaps, I' am looking for a script where you can control the number of verticies on a curved line whilst also keeping them an even distance from each other. I also need to do this on an existing shape so the form of the curve needs to stay as close to the original as poss.


I've looked on Scriptspot with limited sucsess. Any ideas???

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Hi Mark


Have you tried reducing the interpolation of the spline so it is quite low and jaggady and they tracing over it with a new spline with vertex snaps activated.


Alternatively there is a divide option when you are in 'segment level' of the subobject level of a spline.


Maybe this helps?

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hmmm if you have a spline you can use a 'normalize spline modifier', this lets you specify the segment length. Not sure if this is uselful though.


If you have a editable poly you can select you edges then 'create shape' which will give you a spline to work from.

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