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3DSmax.exe Runnung in Background

Andrew Roane

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I recently purchased a new workstation from Dell (Dual Xeon 5130, 4 gig ram, quadro FX 3450, win xp pro). I installed a new copy of Max 8 and registered it with Autodesk. I opened it and everything worked fine. Then I closed it and downloaded the probooleans extension, and S.P. 3. When I tried to install those updates it brought up an error message saying that 3DSmax.exe was running, and that it needed to be closed to continue. I restarted the computer, but 3dsmax.exe still came up in the process viewer. So I uninstalled and reinstalled Max, (all anti-virus disabled), restarted, and it still runs the process constantly. I tried to end the process and it wouldn't let me, it brought up a message saying 'access denied'. So now I don't know what to do to get this process to terminate correctly. I would greatly appreciate any help. Thanks.

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I looked through that article, and I scanned my system with McAfee Viruscan and Stinger, and neither one found any known viruses. I then tried a repair-reinstall with the Max DVD and the problem still exists. :confused:

Is the 3dsmax.exe process till running after you removed the program ??? If so do a search for 3dsmax.exe on yopur HD and delete any instances not in your max root folder.If that doesn't help I suggest perhaps contacting the reseller/autodesk

sorry I couldn't be more help



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Hi, not sure if this is relevant in your case but i'm sure i remember reading somewhere about a similar thing happening with certain ati cards. Not sure if it could be a similar thing with the quadro fx. You might want to make sure you have the latest drivers and re-installing them.


Thought i would mention it in case it helps,


Good Luck

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I think I've got it fixed. I followed Steve's advice and I uninstalled every program that had any association with 3dsMax. Then I performed a Windows Search and I found one file remaining that contained the phrase 3DSMax.exe, it was part of a prefetch file (.pf). I did some quick google research and I found out that these can be safely deleted, so I deleted all of the prefetch files in my C:/WINDOWS/Prefetch folder, and then I emptied my Recycle Bin. After reinstalling all of Max 8 w/ S.P. 3 and Vray 1.5, I opened them up (and it all works as expected), then I restarted the machine, and the dreaded 3DSMax.exe process was nowhere to be found. :eek: Thanks again to everyone who offered advice, this really has been driving me insane for the last couple of days.

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Ok, so my last post was just a spoof. The infamous, immortal 3DSMax.exe process came back today. I broke down and bought a little application to help me understand what was going on that Windows Task Manager didn't feel like sharing with me, it's called "Security Task Manager". I ran it, and it pointed out that this annoying background process was being started by the Vray Spawner at system startup. So I removed the Vray Spawner and the process immediatly went away!!!

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Not that I'm aware of, I just ran the Vray 1.5 RC2 installer as normal and then I applied the software license that was supplied by Choas Group. I do remember clicking the Spawner icon a few days ago, but nothing happened, and I didn't change any settings otherwise. Now the problem did come back, even after I uninstalled/reinstalled Max and Vray, so it seems that there was a setting saved somewhere that was telling it to run the process at startup, I just don't know enough to know how or why it acts the way it does.

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sounds really bizarre.. try Run> services.msc and see if the service exists. If it does, disable it.. or you could look for the spawner in the Start>Programs>Startup section and see if it exists and then delete the shortcut from there.


(You know, the first time you mentioned Max starting with windows, I straightaway thought it was a virus.. but if vray spawner is doing this, I am really confused.. why would the spawner start all by itself unless you configured it that way? )

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys,


Just found this thread after having the same problem. But found a quick fix!


It all started after installing vray v1.5, I too thought it was a virus. But after reading this thread it dawn on me that while setting up the distribution render, I had gone into start programs - choas group - distribute render - administrator and clicked register vray spwaner service :rolleyes:

So all you have to do is click remove vray spwaner service;)


Hope it helps



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  • 1 year later...
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  • 16 years later...
On 10/24/2006 at 3:39 PM, spud_trooper said:

Hi guys,


Just found this thread after having the same problem. But found a quick fix!


It all started after installing vray v1.5, I too thought it was a virus. But after reading this thread it dawn on me that while setting up the distribution render, I had gone into start programs - choas group - distribute render - administrator and clicked register vray spwaner service :rolleyes:

So all you have to do is click remove vray spwaner service;)


Hope it helps



11 year later, this still helps me! Thankyou
To anyone wondering, in the new Vray, it is located here 
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\V-Ray 6 for 3ds Max 2024\Distributed rendering
click those 2 remove service 


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