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the new format


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Hi Jeff,


I don't care for the little doodads showing up at the bottom of my posts - the furl thing, etc. They give the appearance of having my endorsement. If the person posting does not participate in those things, they should be greyed out or not appear at all, I think. Or I should have the option of turning them off.



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They are social bookmarks and they appear on everyone's posts. They are social booking marking sites so posts can be publically bookmarked. This new feature is part of the search engine optimization upgrade we did and if used, helps boost our search engine rankings. I'm leaving them up for now to see if and how they are used.




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They are social bookmarks and they appear on everyone's posts.


I think I'm with Fran, though they don't bother me much.


OK, how about this: I notice there's some space left between the tinicons and the 'quote' buttons. A user area to put in a few tiny link icons for site we DO endorse? Probably not in the forum template, but I figured I might as well ask.

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