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I like very much the image it does not look plastic to me but more like "cartoon style", the sort of image you would see in a Pixar movie. I would expect for the angle in the camera a tiny creature to appear in the next frame from the lower edge. I like it !!


If you want an architectural image, I think you are to close, you cannot see the actual building. If you want a photoreal close up may be some more detail like cracks and dust and softer edges in the shadows. Dust in the glass. The edge of the wall is perfectly straight I would spect something more irregular with that kind of materials.


I still thik that as part of a movie is excellent, it has "something", makes me curious about what is inside, who lives there, what is around. You could make good $$ ilustrating books if you manage to make some good characters too.


Usualy, we put so much effort to make an image hypereal but the result is visualy perfect but boring.


My 2p



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Thank you all for your replies…


Here’s a little update on the progress,


I have altered the wood texture a touch, I’ve also added a little rooftop area.

The DOF is toned down as well... I agree the walls are too straight and perfect and the glass could use some dust maps. I’ll definitely change that, I was also thinking of adding a little plant somewhere just to add a touch of green in the shot, as well maybe a nice rug draped over one of the ladder steps for added detail.





I’ll keep you guys posted,

Thanks again…

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Hello everyone…, and thank you for your comments. I truly treasure them, since without good criticism it would be a very slow progression.


Now, since my last post I have made a few changes; the sides of the walls are no longer straight, I have changed the fabric that covers the trellis to a heavier canvas, one of the windows are now open and I adjusted a few texture maps.


I’m currently working on the vines, the rope and softer shadows.


I should have an image ready later in the day…

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Here it is…


Well, the rope still needs work; I’ve not yet achieved that “dry look” I’m looking for.

The rug, which is draped over the cross section on the ladder, is still yet to receive its final texture map. I’m also debating weather I should add any more props to this scene…? The last thing I want is to over crowd the shot.



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A little update…


The rug finally received its texture map. I’ve removed the heavy canopy that covered the trellis, and placed a bamboo like leafs instead… This way more of the sky is visible. Camby thanks for the input. The wood, is quite bright. This is caused by some lighter texture maps and final gathering that I use. The wood material has a very dark and subtle secular, so I’ll adjust the texture maps a bit more to get rid of the hot spots.




That’s all for now….

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It is looking even better.


I like the canopy and the rug in the last image. The rug may need a bump map, now looks a little bit flat and for extreme realism it should look a little bit aged.


From the previous image I like the level of saturation which looks more real. And I don't know why, I prefer the window which is slightly more opened.


I think no more elements are needed.


It's a great picture !



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Hey Hector,


Thanks for the all the great input... As you saw from the images I’m very indecisive as to what to use for the trellis. I also liked the way the canopy looked in the last shot, however I felt that it covered up the sky too much. Based on your comment I started thinking on how to put back the canopy and still see more of the sky… (ok I’ll cut to the chase) I’ll going to put the canopy back, and try to put a big hole in it... which should reveal some of the sky as well as the leafs. Worth a try anyway…


The amount of saturation in the latest image is probably a bit too much... ...oh and the rug…, yes it needs a little more work, so far I’m pleased with the pattern but the bump map is very poor...and a little aging wouldn’t hurt.


Thanks for the good critique,

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Veri nice piece!


My only critic are the vines, they should be a liitle transluescant since the sun is shining down on them. They are also a liitle stiff looking, if that makes since. I prefer the the cloth.


Otherwise, very nice and with the additional changes you said you are going to make I think this will be beautful.

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Another update...


Changed a few more things. The canopy is back, with a good size hole in it. I’ve also changed the texture mapping on the rug… probably could use a little more work. The window is open and I’ve adjusted the lights. Uhmm, yes the shadows aren’t soft in this render... oops I forgot to enable that render option.


Tony thanks for the critique, you’re right the vines were very stiff. I randomized the vertices on the leafs, this should give it a more organic look. I’ve also added translucency to the material… good suggestion.




That's all...

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After looking at the image a while longer I must say this is one of my favorite pieces. The composition is wonderful. The colors and lighting produce a warm feeing of tranquility and peace.


You have captured a true emotional feeling with this piece, at least for me. Very nice!



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Thank you for the complements, I’m happy how it’s been progressing as well. The lighting could use a little more tweaking, but I’m away for a week and won’t be able to update the render, (on vacation). Tony I’m glad you like the composition and the mood of the render I had a lot of fun with this project. I better go now after all I’m not supposed to be on a computer on my vacation...


Thanks again everybody...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another update...


This frame was rendered with Global Illumination. I’ve also adjusted some of the texture maps (very subtle) and I’ve changed the bump map on the rope.


For some reason I’m not getting that sharp, crisp render that I’m looking for.



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