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Vray 1.5 RC3 Sample settings


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Good morning .

Can somebody please put up a sample of setting for an external scene, using the new sky and sun settings in vray 1.5.


I literaly have not had the time to sit down and play with it, but would like to set something up to work from.


If anybody has the time , I would appreciate it.


Thank you .



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Setting up a scene with VRaySun/Sky is not hard. One thing that helps is using the Physical Camera. Just place the VRaySun where you like and add the VRaySky map to your BG (it will probably happen automatically, anyway). Then, just play with the f-stop, shutter speed and ISO. Also, don't forget to set white balance to a peach color, so your light doesn't look too yellowish. Not really hard, and you have lots of good stuff to play with when you have the time.

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