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missing maps error...HELP


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I just started to get this error when I try to send a job to backburner:


"missing maps error while saving scene"


Now the files that I have worked on worked fine before, but now that I am doing revisions to them I get this stupid error! WHY? I dont get any warning when I strt the file...so why the error while trying to send to backburner???


Please help me out with this one, this problem is KILLING MEEEEEEE


By the way I am using max8, vray 1.47 and backburner 3.


Oh and the network is fine, there are tones of jobs in BB so I know that is not a problem.



Many thanks for the help!!!

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I've had this problem myself when working on a file that was sent to me - the file did not throw up any messages during normal renders, but appeared later on backburner.

You need to be more specific about the 'revisions' you have been making. You say that these files worked fine before in backburner, right? If this is the case then consider everything you have changed since then. For example - merging models into the scene, renaming, or moving textures.

Often these problems are caused by merged models that point to missing textures on the network or a completely different computer. You can check your file paths by running the 'Bitmap/Photometric Paths' utility, (under Utilities), and click on 'Edit Resources'. Strip any missing files or find the missing textures and specifiy a new path.

Unfortunately there does not seem to be a way of telling backburner to ignore missing texture maps, (as far as i can tell). It certainly doesn't like missing UVW's and will sometimes throw up an error message halfway through the night complaining...

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  • 1 year later...

Running into this problem now here.


I'm finding it to be a problem because it appears that the Include maps checkbox of the net render dialog is now *CASE SENSITIVE* while the asset tracking, bitmap path editor both are case insensitive. meaning theres no quick and easy way to update/fix these problematic maps.


Thankfully i only have about 10 in my scene, but still this is a major hassle at the moment. has anyone done a quickie script to replace the bitmap paths without a case sensitive search? before i do one heh. :p

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Well.. now i must say maybe i dont have just 10 in my scene, because i changed the ones i knew of and i'm still getting the missing maps while saving scene error.


and I'm about to kill someone, as this scene has been ready to render for about an hour now :p


Just to clarify,

Asset manager shows 0 missing maps

Bitmap photometric paths shows 0 missing maps

Relink Bitmaps script shows 0 missing maps

Edited by Dave Buchhofer
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  • 3 months later...

Has anyone found the solution to the above problem as i have it too and its driving me frickin nuts!! i have tried everything listed above and the only solution i have found so far is to get a collegue to merge the scene into a new file, redo all the render settings and then send it into the renderfarm for me............ bonkers! and they call this upgrade progress..:confused: it even hapens when there are no bitmaps in the scene :eek:


Its starting to look like a full re- install........ oh joy.............


So what can i say? HELP HELP HELP...... etc

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I've had a similar problem that was caused by my maps having relative paths. When I changed them to absolute paths they worked again. Not sure why it didn't want to work that particular time.




Absolute: c:\max\project\maps\map01.jpg

relative: ..\maps\map01.jpg

(with the assumption that the .max file is in c:\max\project\)


check in the asset tracker to see if any are mapped this way.

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Have got sp1 for max and sp2 for vray installed also have the new creativity extension thing as well. Have completely scrubbed my system clean reinstalled everything and it still persists................rapidly running out of ideas and sanity................:mad:


One thought, does anyone know if its is possible to trace what exactly the error is and what is causing it? can Max produce error reports?!:confused:

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SORTED IT! still wont work if i have the include bitmaps button checked but have found a way round it!


The solution is as follows:


Instead of just loading in the texture map the normal way i.e click on diffuse texture slot - bitmap- go find texture.... You need to use a UNC

file path.


For example:


1 click the diffuse slot button


2 click bitmap


3 when the select bitmap image file box appears in the file name slot type:


\\the name of your computer so for example mine is \\bou37 then hit enter.


4 All the mapped drives on your system will then appear and you can go and navigate to the desired texture.


5 The end result then you look at the bitmap parameters in the material editor should look something like this \\computername\drivename\texturefoldername\texturename.


So there you go! a solution that works and once you have set the first texture up within the scene all the rest should follow suit.:)


Hope this helps!

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  • 5 months later...

one thing,

save user name and password access from your server to computer that contained the map files that assigned in BB.

map still will be missing if the servers in BB cant access them. of course, if your computer that contain map files use user name n password protected.


SORTED IT! still wont work if i have the include bitmaps button checked but have found a way round it!


The solution is as follows:


Instead of just loading in the texture map the normal way i.e click on diffuse texture slot - bitmap- go find texture.... You need to use a UNC

file path.


For example:


1 click the diffuse slot button


2 click bitmap.....

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  • 4 months later...

Dave, it's ColinSenner here, the writer of Relink Bitmaps, I'm eager to work with you on this problem and try and figure it out. I've just posted Relink Bitmaps v2.0, on my website in my sig.


contact me via email and we can figure this problem out, sorry about the delay.



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