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new couch model


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Hi Tony,


I’m not sure what style you may be leaning to, but IMHO it looks very stiff. I would expect to see a seat cushion and maybe some arm cushions as part of the couch.


The couch pillows look pretty good, but there are “dirty” looking shadows on them, but you’re not looking for input on the render I suppose. What you using to model and render?


Keep us posted.



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Thanks for your reply Paul. The seat cushion is supposed to be one piece. I tried adding some noise to the cushion but it didn't look very good. I will try modeling some texture to it. It does look very stiff now. Perhaps more of a defined edge where the seat cushion meets the side of the couch will help?


Modeled with MAX and simcloth rendered with vray.

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Looks kind of like some tortelini. A little pesto and we got lunch. :p

The main thing I see is that there is no defined change of material under the fabric. The main sitting area should be composed of 2 things:

1 something soft to sit on.

2. something hard to support the soft stuff. Typically the soft fabric is tucked into the edge where the hard material (wood) meets it. This would be how it's built. I guess you could cover the frame (wood) with the fabric and that would produce what we see here but we hould still see the transition as a seam. But I really wonder how often someone would hide the wood like that. I thin you could fix that pretty quick and you would have a good looking couch.

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Hi Tony, try using a dispacement mesh modifier+mesh smooth+optimize and then add a bump map for the ruffles on the edges of your throw pillows.The map having been done from a photo editor. It might just work for you. as it did for me. It increases the polyo count though :)

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Thanks! I knew I could depend on you guys for some great suggestions!


I love the tortelini reference :) I will define the lines better, thanks. The seat cushion is a single cushion. This is for office furniture, by the way.


Jucaro, can you post a picture of your pillow?


This is a shot of the new line of office tables that the couch is supposed to go with. What are your thoughts on the overall look?



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I know this is not really architecture but I think it would interesting to see renders of some furniture that other members have designed or modeled.


Perhaps we could share a few with each other. I'm so tired of the models you get off the internet.

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Looks great Tony, and a nice attention to detail. But where are the ravioli ? ;) Only the lighting is a bit strange, the shadow under the couch is okay, but outside around the couch its a bit weird.

Its a nice variation to see furniture renderings.

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The couch is looking a lot better with the extra detail.


I started building my own library a while back when I had some free time. A few months ago I formatted my hard drive and put the model files on a CD, sadly I can't find the CD so I only have these pictures. I really should get a bit more organised.



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Here is a credenza and table that a client designed that I allways thought was a little unusual. The checkerboard design was inlayed wood on the built project.





[ January 26, 2003, 10:36 PM: Message edited by: Tony ]

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