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updated the fashion store....


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Sorry man but would it be nice if you could just update your original post rather than opening another thread as this is still a continuing WIP, unless otherwise its already final.


As for the image, hotspot on the walls and ceiling don't match with all your downlights in cans.

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I haven't seen the orinigal post, but I'll assume from the other posts that you have some creative freedom?

I'd agree that colors are essential, esp. for a child's area. Even an off white floor would help. You could paint the CMU a different color than the shelves.

But as Ernest pointed out, it's crucial that it look 'filled'. These types of interiors require so much 'stuff' to just make it look like a store and not a vacant warehouse.


I should add...if you have no control over the displays and colors, then my crit won't be of much help.


I would try to add some interesting displays that look less industrial (without fasteners and exposed structure) and color them, maybe a few interesting shapes. I'd also think that if it's a children's store there would be somewhere to sit, maybe with some toys to play with, all very colorful.

Lastly, I'd try to soften the lighting. It looks cold, like a warehouse.


But the details you've put in there are very nice. Are those shirts models, or collages? If you fill more things and add a little color, it will be very nice.

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whats with those lighting spots on the ceiling? It looks like a few omnis right next to the ceiling with no housing. It burns the eyes...

BTW: I noticed it happens in other interiors you posted (that ZIM office).

Also, cant tell where the floor meet the walls - I'd work on that material.

Good luck.

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No harm intended Choochee but it seems to me that whenever somebody else would give some constructive criticism about your image you tend not to accept it and would insist that you have purposely did it that way.


Then what's the point asking for C&C.

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Taking criticism well is an art form in of itself. I am certainly no master!

It's a chose your battles, thing, really. If you have time and want to keep improving on an image, post it and be ready to work, if not, sometimes it's better to just let it pass and not post, especially if your client is happy.


The other approach is to ask for specific feedback. There is such thing as 'guiding' a jury to answer your questions, not you get stuck answering their's.


Just some pointers. I've been through crits for 7 straight years, and I still can't take the harsh stuff well. You always want people to love everything without more work.


I don't post too many images for this reason along. I don't have the time now to change everything, and no doubt, everyone looking would find something different to say.


Good luck.

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