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archicad to photoshop


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Hi all, can anyone help me please? I would like to export an elevation drawing from archicad into Photoshop without adjusting the scale, the quality of the drawing or the line thickness. Does anyone know how to carry this out as I have no idea? I basically want to render my image in Photoshop and hatching, whilst adding some new affects that I have picked up using Photoshop. If anyone has any idea, please, please let me know asap.

Thanks for reading this.


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Hi Tom


There are a couple of ways to export an ArchiCAD elevation drawing into Photoshop.....depends which version of ArchiCAD you are using.


In AC10 you can either save from the ArchiCAD or Plot window to a PSD or JPEG file...but the quality is not great.


In AC9 place your elevation into plotmaker & save as an EPS....this gives you by far the best control over quality & size.


Hope this helps.

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Thanks for you fast reply.

I have tried exporting as both a jpeg and a pdf as this was recommended to me by a friend however the line quality and line thickness are distorted when the drawing is opened in photoshop, which I believe you mentioned. As for the eps. When I opened my plotmaker with correct elevation I was unable to save as a eps. It would only allow me to save as a ibk (plotmaker layout book).

The reason why I want to export the elevation into photoshop is because I want to render the drawing to help give it a sense of realism and to help show the materials. I have a jpeg image of a wood material which I would like to use to show the timber cladding around the ground levels walls, unfortunately I do not know how to carry this out in archicad, thus my reason for exporting into photshop. I also wanted to add a number of images in photoshop whilst making them slightly transparent (several images of people and a background) and again I do not know how to carry this out in archicad. I am sorry if this sounds like a stupid question but I am self taught on this software.

Thanks again for you help and time


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Hi Tom


In plotmaker (I'm assuming your using ArchiCAD 9) go to the FILE menu & select publisher, then publish.


This brings up the window (see attached)


Drag your layout to the right window & choose the EPS format / option


Click publish & you should have a EPS file that you can work on in Photoshop





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