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Rising Dust


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Hi, Some renderings from my short movie " Rising Dust" which i am working on after office hours, 4-5 hours a day.

Done in Max-4

Critics & Suggestions are Welcome.







[ April 03, 2003, 01:39 PM: Message edited by: mohsin_95 ]

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Nice work. I love the detail and the architecture. I also like the depth of field.


Is the whole tower made of the same material (gold)? I would like to see a little variety of color along with your intricate detail. Add another contrasting layer (silver?) to give it more depth.


Off topic, your post says you're in Kuwait. How tense is it over there? Here in the US, most people seem occupied with watching the war layout on CNN. Sometimes it's hard for me to justify working on pretty pictures when there so much more going on in the world.



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Hi moshin, wonderfull work.


i think the only and great improvment you could give your piece would be some nice hdri lightning.

one question though, are those fill works modeled or displaced? damm cool !

that architecture his a very unique and fantastic kind of culture with undreds of years old and it makes me very sad seeing it getting destroyed as a target.Makes me wonder what is freedom after all...

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Thank you all. It is nice to see such an encouraging remarks. They always keep you on the track.


one question though, are those fill works modeled or displaced? damm cool !
It is actually a combination of Bump & Displacement mapping. Composite materials and Lighting then done the rest.



Off topic, your post says you're in Kuwait. How tense is it over there? Here in the US, most people seem occupied with watching the war layout on CNN. Sometimes it's hard for me to justify working on pretty pictures when there so much more going on in the world.
Colin, Offcourse too much of tension was here, now a bit relaxed. And colin how you defend the Authenticity of this war.



I will be more regular in future. Because the ongoing submission is over now.


Thanks, MOHSIN


[ April 10, 2003, 02:58 PM: Message edited by: mohsin_95 ]

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I have an idea. I dont want to run from the topic of war conversations. I think that being able to share our opinions and observations about this situation is important. I asked Moshin for his perspective, he gave it and I think it is valid and really good that he did so. But I feel that it would be hard to go any further with this conversation without jeperdizing the intergity of the forum. Naturaly this conversation will step on some toes. And yet I am not a Muslim or from Kuwait and I would love to hear more of his and other peoples perspective. And I have also seen some of the other CG forums turn real quick to name calling and really stupid things like that.


Jeff, this is your call. I am sure we will all respect your wishes on this. Do we start a seperate off topic section where war stuff gets said? Do we care?


Anyway Moshin, Love to hear more about your movie. And while I have thought about how the balance of power is going to change your point is a valid one. I had not thought about that.

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Hi mohsin_95 and welcome aboard.

First, I'd like to join the others praising your beautiful work. Great sence of detailing.

Can you tell us some more about what it is, accept for it being part of a movie on your spare time, which is amazing by itself (what do you do during work hours?)

Which programs did you use to create it?


As for the other topic, I obviously have some comments. However, I'll respect our friend Sawyer's request here, and wait for Jeff coments on this one. I know mohsin_95 would have never brought that topic up, unless asked by Sawyer. So, I too will go by his request.



Opppssss, just noticed you indicated MAX 4... scratch that question...


[ April 07, 2003, 02:38 PM: Message edited by: bigcahunak ]

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it's good to talk inside our comunity about the problems around the globe.....but please....countries, religions and presidents does not represent all the thoughts and nationalities here in the forum......remember that when you (no one special) write something.


best to all,


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I must apologize for getting this thread off topic. I realize that the cgarchitect forum is full of a very diverse group of people and I was curious to get your opinion, but I think that we should probably keep the politics out of the forums and concentrate on discussing architectural graphics. I suppose that if I want to discuss these topics, I should go to a forum that would be appropriate for that discussion. My fault.


I do respect your opinion and you bring up a point that I had never considered before and I thank you for that. I also want to repeat that I think you image is very good and I'm curious to see the final images.



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Originally posted by nisus:

what is spare time exactly? I seem to remember it vaguely from ancient times... :-p



Spare time is when you post 1000 threads a month, thats what is...

Paralax paralax para... lax....pa...x...

Just found it funny that from all ppl you'll write such a comment, Nisus.

Keep it on a good note, Nis :D

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I realize that the cgarchitect forum is full of a very diverse group of people and I was curious to get your opinion, but I think that we should probably keep the politics out of the forums and concentrate on discussing architectural graphics.
I agree with you, Lets' keep that topic off & concentrate on graphics. :p


One more image, and that it is not the part of movie.


Thanks all,


filepush.asp?file=Montage.jpg MOHSIN

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Some updates about the “ Rising Dust”.


Here is the Concept sketch of the Main Complex. These Towers are a representation of different faiths exists in this world. More than 90% people associated with a single faith never ever thought about the presence of the other faiths. If they thought, they didn’t do that in a positive way.


On the other hand, the remaining 10% are desperate in search of truth. They thought a lot about what is happening around them. This movie represents those 10%. Off course I believe I am one of them.


This story will revolve around three characters. Observing different Regions/Periods of Humanity. And in the end what they conclude?


I know this is a very tough job but I hope with the help of this forum some day I will be able to finish this.


Critics & Suggestions are most welcome.





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Looks nice, but i think the clouds are wrong, how about rotating them 180 deg so the dark side is down at the horizion and the light shines through the lighter clouds. This way there could be a higher contrast between the enlightenment and the surrounding.

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