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3rd Party Renderfarms..Experiences?


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Hey all. I've recently tried ResPower, and was pleased with their service. However, I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who has used other 3rd party renderfarms.


The only thing I didn't like about ResPower - and this may be the case with all 3rd party sources - is that they have some fairly old machines. Though you're allocated anywhere from 50 to 200 machines for your project files, that heavy duty quantity is offset by the fact that many of the machines are underpowered for VRay animation files. They state on their website that they are planning for new machines, but they won't answer my inquiries as to when those might be online.



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I felt the same way and I tried going elsewhere.... but for the pricebreak of their unlimited one day package, you just can't beat em. I've been using them for all my side animation projects.


I know what you're saying. Very seductive pricing. I'm checking out RenderCore now. Their prices are much higher, but they have all dual Xeon 3ghz machines. Guess the old saying rings true: You've got to Pay to Play. :p

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