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Hi asim,


Well done.


A few critics though:

- I was wondering where the light streakes come from?

- The wall and the ceiling don't seem to intersect because you got lot's of shadows on the walls, and hardly any on the ceiling.





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Originally posted by nisus:

- I was wondering where the light streakes come from?

Nisus is right. Do you have lighting on the other side of the walls? As I suspect you do, you are getting light leaks. You need to make sure that your walls are made of two faces not a single two sided face. Also you need to break the ceiling at the walls rather than exteding it from room to room.
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It appears as though there are light sources other than the ceiling mounted ones visible in the image. The streaks on the wall and the bright interior corners seem to be from lights beyond the room or surfaces not meeting at an intersection (or both).

Try rendering an image with raytracing and activating the 'raytrace direct illumination' in the luminaire processing options.


John D

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Well I can't speak from experience as I've not had the time or oppourtunity to benchmark all of the GI renderers out there against each other, but STRAT is correct in that Lightscape still does it the best. It has its limitataions, and aps like brazil do pick up where Lightscape leaves off, but for the most part I am hearing that Lightscape is still king of the hill.


In regards to the tutorials, they are on the CD that Lightscape is on. You do have the CD...right :)



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