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CGA forums always forget my User ID


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I'm running Safari 2.0.4 on OS X 10.4.9, and I've had this problem for a while. Everytime I visit the forums here, I'm prompted to re-enter my user ID and password. The site used to remember this information. With Firefox, it still remembers me, but Safari is the browser I use 99% of the time.


Is anyone else having this problem? I've tried removing all my cookies, but this had no effect. By the way, other forum sites (like CGTalk.com) do not have this problem.



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Sounds like there could be a corrupt cookie. Try following the FAQ here: http://www.cgarchitect.com/vb/faq.php?faq=vb_user_maintain#faq_vb_clear_cookies


Also, CGtalk uses the same software we do for the forums. The only difference is that they are using an older version. I've not done any recent upgrades to the fourm software so it's likely an issue on your system.


Let me know if the cookies help. If not, I'll post for support witht he forum manufacturer and see if they can help.




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