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New BMW HQ/Show Room

Richard McCarthy

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This is just something I knock out in 2 days, with rendering time included... Modeled in Revit, rendered in Lightscape. The size of the project is enormous, and I hadn't anticipated the changes.





The 3 blue columns are not suppose to be there, I used it for elevational reference when I am creating new object in Revit. The size of this "thing" is about 100m dia. It's suppose to be an BMW HQ/Show Room of the future (6-10 yrs plan). And this is the first model I have that reach the 1 million polygon.... and I havn't even start putting all the furnitures in yet... sigh....


Processing Time (radiosity): 1 hour 30 minutes (3 ray shot at 93%)

Rendering time : 4 minutes




Comment and suggestion are all welcome!



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The size of the project is enormous
Richard what was the original file size in revit before it was linked to viz and what was the resulting file size in viz after linking. I just have a feeling that it will be somewhat scary if we have a very detailed model in revit then link to viz or max. As far as your model is concern it looks not so detailed to me and it already turned out into million polys in max.


Is there any optimization that we can do to reduce the file size in max?



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You know, I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA where those cursed 1 MILLION POLYGONE WENT! I did a polygon test using VIZ's Polygon tools, the DOME, the DOME glass, and the Sun shade devices are in total about 100,000 polygons. (That leaves about 900,000 polygon unaccounted for.....)


Maybe some evil POLYGON genie just starch them somewhere invisible where I just can't see it....


Arnel > The original Revit file is about 8 meg, after saving it to VIZ4, it become 60 MEG, and after converting it .LP file for Lightscape and some tweaking before rendering, it BALLOON (more like DETONATED WITH NUKE) to the size of 460 MB of .LP file... (yes, not a TYPO, a .LP file, not .LS file)


There are some interior fittings, interior partitioning, and parking spaces, and couple of free low polygon cars, but it still just doesn't quite add up...


The attached is a low res wireframe I captured from the PDF file I made, I will sent the higher res of wireframe when I get home..







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