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living as european in Dubai/any experiences?


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I´ve got a job offer from Dubai, which seems to be very interesting and also financially very attractive.

I´ver never been there, so I´ll fly down there in the end of Mai to make my own opinion.

The position would be fulltime, 2 month trial periode and then a 1 year contract.

Just wanted to ask if somebody here has experiences concerrning Dubai, what I´m interested is if it is worth living there a longer time period.....




Greetings from Vienna

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I like it hot, that´s no problem-ok perhaps June-September that´s far too hot I think.


I didn´t mean money with worth "of living there", I meant living in general there as european--- just heard some stories of old school collegues, who meant : "ok, it´s interesting for 3-4 months, but that´s it----nothing for long term...."

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  anvaraziz said:
everyone feels like that when he miss his home country ....


I think that could be said almost anywhere you move.


I know someone who lived in Western Australia for decades and moved to Victoria - and they can't shut up about it. hehe


When I travelled overseas, I made myself promise that I would not try to 'drag' my 'country' with me. While I didn't embrace the locales I visited, adapting their dress or religious views, I did eat the local food and only did "the traditional tourist" things once or twice. Finding an out-of-the-way place that doesn't cater to tourists can be very refreshing.


Enjoy the work!

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If I´ll move there I will enjoy...hopefully!


Yes the rents are high, but if it would be 50% of the salary I wouldn´t move there....

it just makes sense if you can save there some (or a lot) of money--i think...


....also read that you get for about 800 euro/month a furnished room with your own bath---or for 1200-1300 euro/month your own flat about 50m2...

you earn more there so with this point of view the prices are okay for me.


We will see...

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