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rendering out to a qtvr


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i am working with a company that put together vr'swith hotspots etc. They can use the spherical maps the panorama exports as but they would prefer actual front back side images.


How do i render out this images so that they are perfectly square, apparently it needs to fit into a perfect cube or something. is it just with the render size i.3 600x600 is square?


Also is it possible to produce a qtvr with the object in the middle and you spin round it rather than the other way round?



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there is a maxscript that can export a 6 image series for a cubic pano or I think you can do it with VRay, set your camera up level and pointing straight up/down, or left right, in the centre of your scene (in plan) and choose 'Box' camera type under 'Camera' in the Render rollout.

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marc i'll take a look, you're turning out to be my guru at the minute! lol


Honestly strat its c4d c4d all day long with you!! heh just kidding. Having sen your images i'd happily swop but my money is well and truely gone now!. Kid i'm getting there slowing with vray, this bein gmy third day with it. (p.s. vray absolutley rocks, again few annoying things like with all of them but the gi is damn sexy)


i'll stick with viz 4 for this one as it has been modelled for viz 4 now so hopefully my guru has done it again.




(could i kiss marc's ass any more?)


p.s. alhamo or what ever(sorry can't spell), they put hotspots in for interactive content for he web before making it a qtvr, except the have made their own version of qtvr so it doesn't real help. I asked wether i could just make tem square in ps but they said no??!?! i can't see why that is deferent from rendering it a square shape in viz but what do i know eh!

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I keep saying to this company that i can do hotspots ( they were under the impression they were the first to do it!! duh ( check they website www.vrbritain.co.uk ) but they seem to be able to not lose quality when putting on the web with very low file size.


I think orthographic views give me sort of what i want and i'll render it as a 600x600 image, i'll try that first and then come back here again whinging!!

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