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Blocks don't show up in Paper Space


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I have been having this problem with several drawing files and it is driving me nuts.


I am working on a fixture plan for a retail store -- I inserted blocks for the different fixtures making sure they were inserted into the correct layer. In my model space the fixtures show up fine, but when I click on the layout tab - the blocks do not show up even though other parts of the layer are visible -- I turned on all layers and thawed all layers and they just will not show up in the viewport. I erased the viewport and created a new one....


Nothing I can think of will get these things to show up correctly -- any idea on how to fix this -- it is driving me nuts.



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Are they Third-Party blocks? If so, you might need to "burst" them, re-add them to the layer and hopefully it should work. Bursting will usually preserve the polyline attributes but you'll be able to manipulate their layer, color, style, and linetype properties. Hope this helps.

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yeah, I'm positive nothing is on a defpoints layer (they don't even show up in the layout tab) -- and they were definitely inserted on the correct layer - the layer is turned on because other objects on that layer are visible and print.


I made the blocks myself and when I insert them in other drawings I don't have any issue with them being visible or printing. I'll try exploding them and see if that helps when I get back in the office.


I must say, the more I use ACAD the less I like it - whenever I encounter a problem it seems like it is completely unexplainable why it happens. Very frustrating.

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Layers can be frozen only in the current layout tab, and worse, they can be created with the option "freeze in new viewport", so they could be frozen by default on the layouts you've created. You can manage those stats on the layer manager, scrolling the bar to the right, the last two columns...


Say if it helps.

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  • 4 years later...

go to




----show annotative objetcs


pick --all scales



and it will show


saludos desde mexico


my english is not very good


need a job i will offer cadalyst service from mexico u send drawing by hand and a sample in .pdf ill send you back the job done in .dwg plant, isometric or 3d

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  • 8 months later...

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