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Quicktime VR

Devin Johnston

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are you locked in to using the built in max exporter....?


I've found this to be an easy work flow for making QTVRs from vray...




setting it up the first time takes a few minutes but once you have it set, it's as easy as render to spherical camera, then drag and drop on to the plugin, you you have your QTVR.

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What I meant was will the panoramic exporter that comes with max export a Vray scene as a QuickTime VR? Every time I try I get nothing.


actually it doesn't export a vray scene (or a max scene for that matter), it renders a panoramic image which you can then export as quick time vr (or a couple of other formats if I recall correctly). it doesn't work with vray cameras though.

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or render a image with the vray camera (in the render options ) spherical , 360 degrees and use pano2qtvr to do the qtvr export ... that is easier i guess

I've also done this but I only have 3 choices to pick from once I load the Tiff file they are Equirectangular, Cubic, and Cylindrical but none of these will work. After the quicktime is created all I get is a compleatley white screen.

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Now I'm getting a message that says "windows cannot find D:\3D\panoramic'. Make sure you typed the name correctley , and then try again. To search for a file, click the start button, and then click search."


hmmm... sometimes it has problems with long names....is your file name anything interesting? stay away from long names, underscores, and spaces. I keep my files for the program in a folder on the root of the drive in a folder called "panocube" and I always name my renders simple, such as pod1.jpg and it never has any problems.


there was a short learning curve to learning how to get the prog to work.... but for free it's worth beating your head on the wall a couple of times.

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I was wondering why it wasn't working, Devin... I mean, I have succesfully used VRay to create QTVR panoramas (yes, with Max's native tool) several times, never had a problem.

One question that comes to miy mind on this is: isn't there a XP64 version of QT?

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