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brazil w/ viz


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i'm rendering some test images w/ the demo in viz 4.

is it me, or is brazil just damn slow. i rendered

a 640x480 image of a previous project. it has

500,000 polys. it took 12 hrs!

i used min sample of 2 to get a good image.

what am i doing wrong?

i've heard brazil is suppose to be faster than viz.

is that true, if it is, how do i make it render faster.


also, do most of you use the brazil material or stick

with the standard material?





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Hey Trey,


I have been using Brazil with Viz4 as well as Max 4.2. It is definitely way faster than Viz's standard scanline renderer, but only if you set it up properly.


The main thing that you should try changing from standard is the Image Sampling. Change the Min Samples to 0, and the Max Samples to 4.


Try that and you should notice a difference. If you still experience slow performance post another message here and I'll try and help.


Have fun!



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i decided to test a smaller file.

my model only has 9000 faces wtih

one directlight.


using brazil: image sample:min 0, max4


Sampling Control

view rate 15

sec rate 15


rend time was 15 minutes


using standard scanline: 5 seconds


how is brazil faster?

am i using the right settings?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Trey... Im no whiz with Brazil so I dont really know where you are going wrong. I have a file which is a car model, made using polys and meshsmooth.. Total size right now is 66,055 polys. It takes about 5 mins to render with all dafault settings other than setting GI to 0 and 4.

I also have the automatic ground plane too. My scene only has two lights.


It might be better to post a message on the Brazil forum beacuse that is where Brazil-ians hang out!



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Set you Image Sampling to min 1, max 3 and your GI Shade Rate to min -3, max 0. This will make a huge difference in render times. The Shade Rate is the key, you have to undersample in Brazil to get good results and fast speeds. If needed to clean up the shadows, up the Sampling Control view rate to 20-30 and the sec. rate to 10-15.


Trust me the GI shade rate settings you had are way to high and that is the problem.

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