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Small building. Family flats.

R. Varas

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I'd apreciate any comment, critique or recomendation.


This images were rendered last year, but the proyect was postponed and it might be re-taken now. It half way done.



- 3D Studio Max 6.

- Basic Scanline renderer.

- Standard materials, mostly Blin with arch materials as difuse, bump, etc...

- The buildings on the side are only props for referece and are not being used comercially or printed for promotional pourposes, the final image will be composed with the real background.

- Clouds are Max particle clouds.

- The glare effect was composed later with an image editor.


Thanks in advance.



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Hi, Rafael!

I'd say these still have a long way ahead til they get good. I know you're using scanline and all, but there's lots of room for improvement. Take a look at some fakeosity techiniques right here in our forum. There's one I always liked a lot called Ring Technique, and there was a very nice tutorial somewhere around here. As for style, these are very early-90'ish pics, with the lens flare and the absence of refractions in the glass. Take a look around, our forum is filled with great pics, and I'm sure you can learn a lot from them.

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materials and render are awfull


Listen Bartek!!!

I put to shame for you that you write such things !


Hello Rafael!

We greet in CG!

You take easy it with bad comments.. what it will not destroy you it will make you stronger! :D


Quite good try for scanline! Your picture has its unique value. We all are stil learning. I still dont know a lot of stuff that is just piece of cake for someone better. And it is great honour to me if I can give some advices to someone it wants to perfect one's skills.


And now a bit constructive criticism:

1 - scene it looks like a bit for bright

2 - use direct light for the sun instead of omni and place him in large distance from object

3 - test from clouds very brave, there now picture more considerably easily is insert so record renders in *.PNG with alpha chanell and in graphic editor put clouds from shot :)

4 - the most important -You have to see whereupon you look - observe World this how you would have him to render

5 - use tutorials - has not needs to scold something what different made thisalready for us.


Waiting for more picyures of You

See You later

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Rick: Thanks for your comments, I will look for the tutorials you mentioned. The render and architectural style is old-fashioned, On the arch design I can´t do nothing about it, they plan to use casted concrete or something like that and the color of the windows will be green or blue. So I better improve the images and render quailty once that is decided.


Wodewil: Thanks. It was for feedback like yours that I posted the images. I will try to implement your recommendations; .......as seen in the images, I strugle a lot with lighting. The clouds and everything around the building will go away a soon as I get a footage from the site. I will take a good look at some tutorials, unfortunately most of them are covering Vray or other more advanced renderers and I want to get a good grip on the basic scanline render before I move to other terrains. Should I get more images up I hope I can get your critique and recommendations.


Best Regards.

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