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Radiosity and animation.


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OK, I've been using VIZ/MAX for a couple of years now, but it is all self taught so it still hurts.


Mostly I produce still renders for an architectural firm in the Detroit, MI area, but I am interrested in doing far more. I am researching new ideas (for me anyway) every chance I get.


Lately I am attempting to illustrate buildings within animations. Still renders can only show so much.


My first obstacle was reflections. As my render progressed the reflection of the sky in the windows followed me throughout the walkthrough. I solved this by using a skydome in lieu of a viewport background.


Now I am using VIZ 4.2 and am staggering through radiosity. When I apply radiosity to my model and then try to render an animation the radiosity only applies to the first frame. Then it reverts back to simple lighting.


Is there a setting which I cannot find that will resolve this issue? ...or do I have to calculate radiosity for every individual frame? Ouch!




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what happens if you run the radiosity solution first, and then click only use radiosity solution on the rendering menu. Un-click compute solution when required. Does that work? I can't see why it shouldn't, but then again I'm a simple man that has just started using this thing. Good luck and let me know how it went since I'll need to do it next week.

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