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Getting rid of flicker - what render setting to use


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Hi guys,


I am wondering if another Lightwaver can share the secrets to eliminating flickers when doing animation.


There are particularly pronounced when there are a lot of detailed geometry.


I have been setting my render at 9 pass antialiasing with photoreal motion blur but still not quite happy with the result.


What setting do you use? Thanks

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Flicker comes up when I encode it into animation format. I tend to use mpeg2 format but it tends to come out with any other high resolution, high sharpness format as well.


I need to give you the full resolution clip to show the flicker. Once compressed into smaller files, it is not the same thing anymore. I'll think of something.

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  thinice said:
Flicker comes up when I encode it into animation format. I tend to use mpeg2 format but it tends to come out with any other high resolution, high sharpness format as well.


So there is no flicker in the images coming out of lightwave? Is that correct?

Have you tried using a more modern codec like h.264. It included in Quicktime and there is also a free version called x.264.


I need to give you the full resolution clip to show the flicker. Once compressed into smaller files, it is not the same thing anymore. I'll think of something.

I guess 2 frames would be enough to see the flicker.


Cheers, Florian

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