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Guest penguin71

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Guest penguin71

PLEASE can someone tell me why VIZ4 doesn't give the specular on the material it is my error?

I tried with radiosity ovverride material but nothing


PALMIRO or something else please help me


Bye from Stefano

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Guest penguin71

Hi Nisus

I mean the normal specular highlight on an object like in scanline render.

I used the standard material but there is no specular on the objects


If you know this problem please help me



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you can use an omni light that only affects specularity, to simulate it when using GI.

remember that the max specular highlights are no physically correct approach. radiosity simulates real-world lighting. to get real specular reflections/highlights you have to use raytracing and very bright object-lights or hdr-images.


read this article:


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Guest penguin71

Hey NIsus thanks for the reply

I could send an image sample but I don't know a site where to send it

If you know where and how please tell me

I need help

I must produce work for a portfolio

BYe from Stefano


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Guest penguin71

Is it possible that a programm like VIZ4 after you have calculated the radiosity and launch the render give the material without specular highlights.

Noone can tell me where I'm wrong (I hope I'm wrong)I can't believe that it's a bug to solve with additional lights (with only specular).

Please help me

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This is really a tricky issue.


Why? Well, let's think of how the renderer happens before you have Radiosity. You have a lot of specularity, because you have a very well defined light source.


When you add Radiosity, what happens to the light? It bounces back and forth, and the light now will not come from a single light source, but instead it comes from "everywhere".


This will make your specular highlight fade and in some cases almost disappear in the scene.


The trick to solve it is to add "Specular-Only" light sources, so you can control specular highlights manually.


Alexander | discreet Quality Engineer

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Guest penguin71

THank you abicalho for the reply

Now I can be sure that I must add light with only specular on to solve the problem.

Thank you very much

I appreciate

Can I ask you why in some cases the light come in to the room inside the corners? (the room s modeled with box primitive and inverse normal)If I put the meshing 0.20 (unit in meters)it gives the same problem .Must I reduce the meshing parameters to 0.05?


Excuse me for the second question.

But you are of the DISCREET GRoUP, who better than you can give me some suggests?



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