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I have been out of architecture school for 3 months now and have been hired by an A/E firm. And in my job description is 3D modeling using VIZ 4. Well I am a self taught guy who taught myself during the school year with the little free time we had. Because my school has nothing to offer in the 3D world until the very last semester. But the class was very basic, just enough to learn the interface. And then it was pretty much 6 hours a week set aside for self exploration. No real direction or lessons. Just product, not quality. And as i get projects at work, I realize how much I still do not know.


So I was wondering if anyone knows of any good books I can pick up that would help. I have arranged to go through a VIZ funamentals course. But it is not for a couple of months. I have found a site that offers online tutorials and training CD's (http://viz.complete-support.com/). Just curious if anyone knows anything about them. It seems to go pretty in depth. But just want find the best for my money.


[ August 08, 2002, 12:49 PM: Message edited by: Josh ]

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