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Help needed to model fountains


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Hi everyone first of all i'd like to congratulate Jeff and the gang on making this the best site for designers. I've just registered five minutes ago, though i've been following the site everyday (no kidding) since last september.


I'm a rather newbie to the world of 3d (and 2d for that matter), but i've been working on a project where i need to model (or somehow) get three water fountains into my viz/max model. If there's someone out there who'd like to offer a hand, it'll be very much appreciated.



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Hi, well you can begin my modeling the actual fountain by lathing a profile curve along its Y axis, then you will have a simple model, you can add more detail though subdiv or even bump maps, for the water, create a particle system (I used) spray, place it into possition shooting up, and binded to a wind + gravity fields. to get a nice running water effect right click on the particle system go into properties, and under "motion blur" check "image" and type a multipler or 2.0 - 5.0 depending of the effect you want. make sure the particle system starts generating before the animation, (ie, -35 frames or so under the timing parameters of the P-sys. and voila ! I have a scene I created to for you to look over, I just don't know where to put it for dowload, maybe Jeff can arrange that. _hint Jeff_ otherwise I'll e-mail it to you. :) Oh, and once you have created one fountain to your taste, just group all of the components and clone. ;) good luck bye

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Hey there,


Also check out RPCnet.com , they have a collection of waterfountains that are animated. I'm actually going to be doing this in a few weeks, but haven't decided if I will use Cesar's route or the RPC route or a "water blob" with animated noise on the vertices to simulate moving water.

I may even try to use Combustion's particle effects.


Cesar, just send me the file and I'll throw it on my server.

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