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Mapping Interior Walls


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I'm interested to know how people here go about applying mapping to walls, especially in interior scenes.

Take this scenario - you have modelled all your internal walls together as a series of several large objects. Each wall in each room now requires a different material, so you apply edit poly modifiers to your walls in order to assign material ID's to each face.

How is it possible to assign UVW's to different faces on different objects simultaneously, in order to maintain an accurate scale throughout the house? (Eg, plaster or ceramic tiles one one object must be the same scale as another object). Also, how can i assign different material slots to the same object? (Eg, slot 1, material ID 3, and slot 2, material ID 1, to the same object, using the edit poly modifier).

Frankly i find it very confusing having endless stacks of UVW's and edit poly modifiers. Should i just model each wall separately instead?

Am i making this slightly more complex than it should be? :(

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hey! You can also assign different mapping channels for every material that you use aside from material ID's, however, as much as possible it's always smart to simplify......... If anything goes awry theres always the user reference handy......hope this helps.....



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if you have different objects, then you can copy and paste the uw modifier to objects. and they will share same mapping.


if you have one object with different materials on different faces, then you can have multi-subobject material. when you assign different mat ID for any poly, then it will be rendered with that material on your multi-subobject.

at this point, you have to give different channels to your uw modifeir and maps.

I wish I could explain.

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